Sunday, June 02, 2013


I live in a oil patch town, lots of people coming in and out so there really isn't a official total of people living here. I think last 'official' number was around 17,000 but it's more like 20-21000 when you consider the outskirts and all that.

And with that amount of people there isn't very many therapists. You know, the kind that say "And how do you feel about that?". And the ones that are in town? I just heard they have a 6 month wait list. What if you need help now?!

My friend needs help now. I think I need help soon. Before I have another child I would like to talk to some one. Because my son is 3 and I still cry when I talk about his first 6 weeks of life. When all I did was feed him and then hand him off to my husband and go back to bed. When I thought about giving him away so I could 'go back to normal'. It's sad to think that I wasted 6 weeks, that I hardly remember it. And it's maddening that I talked to TWO doctors, (male of course) and was told it was just the blues. It wasn't and it still haunts me.

So where is my next option. Going out of town for help I guess. Sad, really.

Friday, April 27, 2012

I have a two year old.

Of course, it's been awhile. Not that I have been so terribly busy that I couldn't post, but I enjoy being lazy. A bit too much ☺. Now to catch up....

I now have a two year old little boy. Who tonight gave himself a shiner, falling into the side of the bathtub because he thought I was chasing him. I was standing in the kitchen, trying to lure him out of the tub with Toopy and Binoo.

He got to open a couple of presents on his birthday but the one that I am looking forward to the most is a great big sandbox with a built in picnic table. All of his aunts and uncles, cousins and great grandparents went in on it and I hope it arrives soon! Although the snow and rain we've had this week makes it ok that it hasn't arrived yet, because it wouldn't have been used anyway!

A true boy, he loves being outside, in the mud and water puddles and balls. 

The beginning of April we went to a lot of parks during the day because I had a week off work. Colin likes the slides best. Swings have never been a big hit.

We have been busy with birthdays and growing up, playing outside and yard work. I have been busy with work, trying to read a couple books and my Stella & Dot business. And trying to get sleep too!

Life is what you make it and so far it's making out to be great.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

25 years

My birthday was this past Sunday. I love my birthday, it's one of the best days of the year ☺. My husband and son took me out for supper and some friends joined us. I cheated on my clean eating and had a pizza sandwich, fries AND dessert haha. Sorry Jeni.

While my biggest birthday wish was for a new car (hey, big things are what wish lists are for!) I feel spoiled by all the wishes, flower and cards, some new Lululemon and money for more shopping ♥.

I'm not into blogging much more right now as I just painted my nails and it's slow typing while they dry! I'll be back!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Middle of the month Wednesday

Wednesdays must be a good day to post (mine following this great mommy runner  Sarah ). I'm home for the day with my boy who has pink eye and croup. I never really knew croup was a "modern day illness" as the only time I've ever heard of it was in Anne of Green Gables haha. But his eye seems to be better, no discharge so fingers crossed it was just a beginning case and we've washed the germs away. His croup makes sleep interrupted, his and ours so after he wakes up from his nap we're off to the natural health food store to see if there is something to calm the cough. 

Here my boy is earlier this month, healthy and diapering his Scentsy buddy "Puppy".  He is developing some great imaginary play ideas and will play with tractors and cars, as well as babies and colouring. In fact, he likes to colour himself as well.
This upcoming week, I'm holding my first Stella & Dot jewelry party! I'm excited to show off the items I have and get other people interested in the line. I love these earrings I have on, the Capri Chandelier Earrings.
Other then sickness and exercise, work and play, ViSalus and Stella & Dot I'm a bit busy. Life is good.

Disclaimer: I'm happy to have the time, money and support to be this busy with my new endeavors.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

New Adventures!

I'm now a Stella & Dot Stylist!

I didn't really feel the need to take on more work, and when I hosted a jewelry party back in December I wasn't even interested in selling the product. But on January 31st, I was doing my lunch hour cardio and the thought came to me that I should sign up and sell the beautiful! pieces that they create and so that night I ordered my sample pieces and here I am!!

I am still waiting on my catalogues and pieces to arrive and then I can start showing them off to people by them (hopefully) hosting Trunk Shows! Who doesn't love free stuff? Check out all Stella & Dot has here.

Disclaimer: I promise I'll be back with more pictures :)

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back again.

See, I'm back already. I've got another day off work due to my son being miserable and snotty. Since I did a mass cleaning of my house yesterday, which is a accomplishment for me, I can catch up on my pleasure things guilt free (I would do it anyway but this way is guilt free).

Last year, in September, I started a 12 week weight loss challenge. This January I started another one. Here's me almost 30 lbs lighter and a bit red after a cardio workout. I will keep this habit up, and make this my new lifestyle!

This weekend I am going to a scrapbooking class to make a complete album for a years worth of pics. Well you make two layouts for each month and then just add your pictures. I'm not a patient scrapbooker so this type of thing is up my alley because I can just copy and get it done! While I have some creativity in me to create my own layouts I'd rather use someone else's to be truthful! This project is from Unforgettable Memories in my hometown.

I'm not sure if I touched on Christmas on my latest posts so just in case I'll do it was great. Our Christmases are always filled with family, food, love and busyness. My family is large and we have a couple traditions that we follow every year. Dinner on Christmas Eve, breakfast on Christmas Day, dinner on Christmas night, dinner on Boxing Day. My son was spoiled to the nines, toys that he doesn't even remember yet since he received so many and became enthralled with the first couple he opened.  From Mommy and Daddy, his favorite was a Lego Barn with tractor and animals, from his aunt on mom's side, more farm animals and tractors and from his cousin and great aunt on his dad's side, the race track pictured above.

Now to get back to my little boy, who now doesn't seem sick at all. Oh well, everyone deserves a paid day off ;)

Disclaimer: See you next time, or in February, whichever comes first. 

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Shoulda made!

I shoulda made a resolution to post more. But I didn't until now. So now, I plan to write a post at least once a month! Kinda like a monthly catch up.


Disclaimer: I'll post another for this month! I promise that.